The UPHA Office will be closed January 6-14 for the UPHA National Conference.
Please note that we are currently in the process of updating our list of committee members. We kindly ask for your patience as we work to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date. Thank you for your understanding.
UPHA Associate Membership
The Associates Committee serves as a resource for the associate membership. The Committee works to increase awareness of membership benefits and enhance the horse show experience for amateur and junior exhibitor members.
Co-Chair: Julia Sampsel
Co-Chair: Anne Tasch
Vice President: Ling Fu Wylie
Secretary: Erin Eichenbaum
Treasurer: Mary Jane Kirkpatrick
Social Media: Cara Davidson
Members at Large:
Jackie Ware, Billy Jarrell, Kerry Virtue, Ashley Gray
Casey Douglass, Allyson Wandtke, Julie Broder
UPHA/American Royal Steering
The UPHA/American Royal Steering Committee serves in an advisory capacity to provide support, guidance and oversight of the UPHA/American Royal Horse Show. The committee is responsible for the direction, scope, timelines and methods used to achieve a successful event.
Chair: Missy Hughes-Smith
Paul Boone
Kristen Cater
Cindy Mugnier
Carol Carlson
Sara Befort
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee manages awards categories, defines requirements and determines and identifies deserving recipients for official UPHA awards.
Chair: Susi Day
Betsy Boone
Fran Crumpler
Katy Earehart
Dwayne Knowles
Carol Fletcher-Churchill
Tony Lee
Donna Pettry-Smith
Conference Committee
The Conference Committee is responsible for selecting the venue, setting the budget, fundraising, generating content and the overall facilitation of the UPHA National Conference.
Chair: Susi Day
Co-Chair: Tony Lee
Co-Chair: Gary Garone
Kristen Cater
Chuck Herbert
Donna Pettry-Smith
Nancy Becker
Jennifer Mellenkamp
Jessica Verrill
Pam Roush
Amanda Ward
Anne Tasch
Adriana Day
James Nichols
Andy Freseth
Julia Sampsel
Classic Committee
The Classics Committee promotes the UPHA Classics program, assists in fundraising and reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding all aspects of the program.
Chair: Jenny Taylor
Co-Chair: Todd Graham
Mark Bodnar
Paul Boone
John Conatser
Andy Freseth
Randy Harper
Chuck Herbert
Maureen Lydon
Evan Orr
David Rand
James Sebring
Education Committee
The Education Committee develops and provides educational materials to address the needs of UPHA members.
Chair: Sheri Brandl
Co-Chair: Lynda Freseth
Ellen Beard
Erin Fann
Maria Gilman
Shanna Gish
Christy Parker
Missy Hughes-Smith
Whitney Shiflet
Equitation Committee
The Equitation Committee establishes programs to educate, support and encourage participation in the equitation division, including facilitating all UPHA national equitation finals. The Committee also reviews and submits updates to rules pertaining to the equitation division.
Chair: Missy Hughes-Smith
Past Chair: Cindy Boel
Barbe Smith
Carol Matton
Cindy Mugnier
Kent Swalla
Kristen Cater
Lynda Freseth
Jody LaSalle
Maria Gilman
Richard Wright
Sheri Brandl
Brooke Applegate
Lillian Shivley - Member Emeritus
Ethics Review Committee
The Ethics Review Committee encourages ethical conduct by providing a platform for consideration of possible violations to the UPHA Code of Conduct.
Chair: James Nichols
Betsy Boone
Barbara Goodman-Manilow
Jim Lowry
Tim Roesink
Exceptional Challenge Cup
The Exceptional Challenge Cup Committee facilitates all aspects of the annual UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup Finals. The Committee promotes involvement in the finals and manages sponsorships for the classes and awards.
Co-Chair: Lisa Hillmer
Co-Chair: Hilary Wilcox
Avery Bul Scheurich
Hannah Sette
Jennefer Lear
Mary Orr
Missy Hughes-Smith
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee provides financial analysis, advice and oversight to the organizations within the UPHA.
Chair: Tammie Conatser
Paul Boone
Jim Taylor
Josh Greer
Chuck Herbert
Kristen Cater
Cindy Mugnier
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee evaluates and develops effective governance and accountability with respect to all aspects of the UPHA. The Committee serves in an advisory capacity and is the UPHA Board’s resource for review of all governing documents. The Governance Committee may also be asked to evaluate issues related to the proper functioning of the UPHA Board and all committees.
Chair: Tammie Conatser
Alex Gravett
Cindy Mugnier
Donna Pettry-Smith
Josh Greer
Kate Harvey-Codeanne
Kristen Cater
Melissa Moore
Horse Show Advisory Committee
The Horse Show Advisory Committee reviews current policies and procedures at horse shows nationwide and gives recommendations for improvement on the management and structure of shows from a horsemen’s perspective.
Chair: Tim Roesink
Co-Chair: Dan Shirley
Nancy Becker - Ex-Officio
Allison Deardorf
David "Tuffy" Owens
Emily Lee
John Lampropoulos
Leslie Melvin
Renee Lavery
Sandy Backer
Andrew Slater
Mackenzie Werry
Nancy Troutman
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee establishes a compensation philosophy and compensation levels for UPHA employees, ensures compliance with applicable federal and state laws and best practices regarding employees, assists in the employee review process and recommends actions and procedures to insure a safe, healthy and productive work environment.
Chair: Cindy Mugnier
Ray Krussell
Tammie Conatser
Josh Greer
Smith Lilly
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee promotes and increases awareness of all UPHA programs and events. The Committee develops promotional materials, utilizes social media and assists with the fundraising efforts to increase the profile of the UPHA.
Chair: Donna Pettry-Smith
Vice-chair: Robert Griffin
Mark Bodnar
Kristen Cater
Adriana Day
Christy Parker
Laura Wilson Cowan
Tony Lee
Elizabeth Ghareeb
Todd Graham
Kristen Pettry
Tom Thorpe
Jason Gershman
Jolene Galvin Yerkie
Murphy McSemek
Nominating Committee
The Nominations and Elections Committee assists the Board of Directors by preparing a slate of recommended nominees for elected positions on the Executive Board, presenting the slate at the annual meeting of the professional membership and executing the election according to the UPHA Membership Bylaws.
Chair: Smith Lilly
Chuck Herbert
Larry Bolen
Ribbons of Service
The Ribbons of Service Committee organizes and facilitates the Ribbons of Service Program, which encourages junior and college-age associate UPHA members to complete service hours and raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or a charity of their choice. The Committee raises awareness to gain participation in the program, organizes sponsors for each prize level, approves charities other than St. Jude, organizes the meet and greet and other award related needs for the National Conference and promotes the program fundraising efforts of the participants on social media, as they reach each prize level.
Chair: Fay Lowry
Allison Lambert
Jolene Galvin-Yerckie
Megan Schatzberg
Allison Cantrell
Macey Miles
Sarah Gove
WCHS Advisory Committee
The UPHA President selects individuals to serve on the WCHS Advisory Committee as representatives of the UPHA membership. The representatives are a link between the WCHS management and the horse show participants, making recommendations to improve the WCHS experience for all involved.
Chair: Tammie Conatser
James Nichols
Josh Greer
Young Professionals
The Young Professionals Committee provides a platform for age 35 and under professional members to have an active voice in the organization. The Committee strives to develop future leaders of the UPHA and to educate this age group regarding how the UPHA operates. Committee members also fundraise for various causes within the UPHA and host chapter events to build camaraderie between members.
Co-Chair: Hannah Sette
Co-Chair: Merin Maggi
Secretary: Avery Scheurich
Emma Caruso