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Welcome to the Associate Membership Page


The UPHA is proud to represent the Associate Members of the organization by providing fair competition, educational material to help both the horse owner and non-owner to understand the needs of the horse show industry. Our objective is to offer a safe recreational opportunity for amateur exhibitors to show horses.


What Designates an Associate Member of the UPHA?


To qualify as an Amateur, individuals must meet two basic requirements. First, they must be 18 years of age or older as of January 1 of the show year (ineligible to compete in the Youth division). Second, they must not have accepted remuneration, either directly or indirectly, for the training of horses. 


About the UPHA Associate Members


Associate membership is available to any person interested in the show horse industry that meets the requirements of amateur status. Each associate member shall have all the rights, privileges and duties prescribed by the By-Laws of the UPHA, except the right to vote in closed active members’ meetings, to hold elective office in this Corporation or any Chapter of the UPHA or to serve on the Board of Directors.  The Election of President and Vice President of the Associate Member Committee shall be conducted at the annual convention. The duly elected Associate Membership President holds a non-voting seat on the Board of Directors of the UPHA.


As an Associate member of the UPHA, we have provided information and programs for you, the Amateur exhibitor.

The ASHA/UPHA Amateur Owner Trainer (AOT) Reference List is a list of professionals that will be published within the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) as well as the United Professional Horseman’s Association (UPHA) as professionals who are willing to aid an Amateur Owner Trainer in need.

The UPHA Classics originated in 1974 to stimulate interest in young horses, and to provide owners an opportunity to receive substantial prize money. Local qualifying classes, as well as Classic Grand Championships, are held for Saddlebreds, Morgans and Hackney Ponies.

The UPHA Challenge Cup was establised in 1972 to encourage competition for saddleseat equitation riders throughout the nation.

The UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup was established in 1998 to allow an opportunity for riders with physical and mental disabilities to compete on a horse, showing at a national level.                 

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